Post Turkey House work

Somehow, the last 2 years I have ended up shopping way too early on black Friday. I always thought it was silly to get up and stand in line at a store, just to give them my money (I still think that opening a store anything before 6am is silly). But that resolve has been weakening. Last year, I took off to Target for a portable DVD player to keep Andrew occupied during long car rides. I actually drove by Best Buy last year but the line stretched around the store. This year I was at Home Depot at 5:30 for the saw pictured at the left. Home Depot had a nice $450 saw for $299.
The thing is, neither of my Black Friday sorties were for gifts. I was going to buy a table saw this weekend one way or another. Sears had one for $250 that was not as nice, but would have probably done OK too. I just really like the Ridged tools, they seem to work good, and have a lifetime warranty. The Craftsman, had a 1 year warranty, and though many of the craftsman tools are top notch their lower end power tools are not always so good.
I spent the weekend productively playing with the saw. In the process, I rebuilt the trim for around the door to Nick's room. Even April was impressed with how it looked. I would put a picture up, but I forgot that the walls of my house are nowhere near straight in any direction. So I needed to change the dimensions of the doorway so the pocked door closed properly. I guess that that just means I need to use the saw some more to redo one of the 3 sides of the trim.