Unweave the (fabric of society) Weave

I was talking with some friends about the debacle they have created with the Wakota Bridge Project, and some of their past history. They did after all create the 35W-62 intersection, the original weave on 694, and countless other screw-ups. We were wondering how bad the 62 work was going to be and what would go wrong with the unweaving of the weave. If I had more confidence in MNDOT, I am sure that the Twin Cities could soon see one of these intersections. I am thinking near the Airport would be good. Just watching the Ford Focus with an enterprise sticker doing the inescapable cloverleaf is a funny thought.
I think that almost every Minnesotan could be just as qualified to design our road systems as the engineers at MNDOT (I know I am!). They obviously know the theory of hi-way design. But... In theory, practice and theory are the same, in practice they are not.