Sometimes I would just like to keep driving.

On my way to work this morning, I had a difficult time convincing myself to GO to work. There was just that right amount of traffic that I was having fun driving. It was 70 degrees, sunny and I was listening to the White Stripes on my iPod. The only thing that could have been better would be the vehicle. The Jeep is fun, I just never get it to drive like in the picture. Some little sports sedan or the like with a 5 or 6 speed manual and turbo would have made it impossible to ignore the call to just drive. In the end I was an adult, I got coffee at Caribou, and parked in the garage at work. Rode the elevator to floor 4 and sat in my cube. but if gas was not so expensive, and if I had someplace to go and some cool, fun to drive car... I just might have kept going.